Sunday, July 19, 2009

Swing Dimensions are Very Important!

If you are looking to add a swing to your porch, it is very important to consider sizing before you make your purchase. You need to make sure that your new swing dimensions are proportional to the size of your porch. Swings come in all shapes and sizes, and it is crucial to consider what size will work best with your porch. If you have a smaller porch, you don’t want to overwhelm it or completely fill it with a giant swing set. Likewise, if you have a larger porch, a tiny swing would look silly and out of place. There are so many different options, so be sure to investigate them all.
For small porches, you may want to consider a glider instead of a hanging swing. Gliders take up less space, and can even be purchased in chair sizes if you have a really tiny porch. For a larger porch or patio, I would recommend going all out and having fun with the many available options. You can even get a hanging swing with an attached stand and a canopy! Swings with attached stands take up more space, but if you have the room, they are definitely easier to move around when you want to redecorate. Before you buy your new swing, be sure to consider the swing dimensions and investigate all your different options to find what works best for your porch.